Around Town | Nantucket Moms

10 Ways to Celebrate Halloween Safely

Halloween is an annual rite of passage for kids. From the first time a new walker toddles up to trick or treat with his parents, to older kids finally being allowed to go door-to-door on their own—Halloween is as much a part of childhood as any holiday. Which makes it...

Rosh Hashana Recipe Round-Up!

L’Shana Tovah to all those who are observing the Jewish New Year! The recipes below are wonderful seasonal dishes that work for anyone looking for some new Fall family-friendly favorites (think: crunchy apple salads, warming matzoh ball soup and a sweet and spicy...

Horderly: Tips for Organizing a Home Office

These days, it’s more common than ever to have a child learning from home or a parent working from home. So home offices—once used only at homework time or on weekends—or front and center. That’s why we asked the experts at Horderly to share their simple 5-step...

Who We Play For: Preventing Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Did you know that Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the leading cause of death amongst student athletes and on school campuses? And that 1 in 300 kids have an undetected heart condition that puts them at risk? That’s why the parents behind Who We Play For (WWPF) formed a...

Parenting During the Pandemic: Easy as ABC?

This essay was contributed by Rachel Perks, PhD, mom of one and author of The Little A-Z: A Companion for First-Time Mothers and Their Partners  “You Got This” “We are in this together.” “Stay the course.” These days it is easy to mistake ourselves for extras in a...

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